Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ministry Mutiny - The 6 Principles

A quick word about the principles in Ministry Mutiny. They are not a license nor an OK to rebel against the leaders in ministry that God has placed above you. Nor are the principles designed to be negative towardsa any person or program. It's more a way to show fromt he Bible what is wrong with the current trend in many youth ministries to be entertainment driven, babysitting time killers which may have inncocently been passed down from one generation to another, or maybe recently begun in your own youth group.

As I have read this book I could see Churches I have been a part of in the past and where these same principles could apply to the Church as a whole. I have also been convicted while reading this book and shown how it can also apply to our personal walk with God and, if we have a family, the walk our families have with God.

This list of 6 principles is not in any way a complete list. It would be arrogant to think so. I do hope to discover more, and also hope that if you the reader have discovered one that you would be willing to share it with us so that we can all grow closer to God.

Now, the 5 principles.

1. Listen for God's Whisper
2. Get Real
3. Go Wide
4. Grow Deep
5. No More Outsourcing
6. Build on Values, Not Fads

My prayer as we go through this, is that we will be able to take these principles and apply them to our own lives first and foremost, and then through it all be even stronger witnesses of the life saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ministry Mutiny

I am going to be starting a series of posts based on the book Ministry Mutiny by Greg Stier of Dare 2 Share Ministries. This is a book I have read through a few times now and am going through again and each time I read it I come away with something new (well new to me in a way) and exciting. As Solomon wrote, There is nothing new under the sun, and I have no doubt he knew what he was talking about.

The mutiny principles that Greg brings out in this book are all based on the Bible and all guarenteed to work. While the book was written as 'a youth leader fable' I have found that each of these points can be applied to our family life and yes the Church as a whole and how we do ministry.

All I can say is hang on because it's going to be a fun filled journey.


Greetings and Salutations

I just wanted to say hello and share a bit about what I hope to accomplish with this blog.

From time to time I intend to share things that have happened to me, things I have done for others, things I am learning. Sometimes just even some random stuff. I'll even be sharing neat things from some of my friends and linking to some blogs that I like that I believe you will enjoy as well.

One thing for sure, you will learn more about me this way and hopefully I can learn something about you as well.

That's all for now. Happy Blogging.
