Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baptism vs Immersion part 4

Let's look at more examples that prove that those who claim the KJB translators made a new word and that they jelly-fished out are less than honest.

The Oxford English dictionary says that the words 'baptize', 'baptized', 'baptist', and 'baptism' have all been in use in the English language since the year 1200.

Here are some examples from this fine work:

Baptist is shown as being spelled as 'baptiste in 1200 and 1230, and as 'baptist' in 1400.

We find Baptism used as 'baptim' in 1300, 'baptem' in 1325 by Wyclif as 'bapteme in 1382 and as 'baptisme' in 1528.

Then for baptized we usage as 'ybaptized' in 1297, 'baptysed' in 1480, 'baptizing' in1561, baptised in 1450 and as 'baptize' in 1604.

Also in Oxfords we 'baptisid' in 1382, 'baptizer' in 1483, and 'baptizing' in 1297.

Not a complete list, but more than enough to prove that the KJB translators used words that were allready in use and had meaning and that the only ones who jelly-fish out are those who claim this is an error int he KJV, but have no problems with these words in their modern versions, and even use the words baptize, baptized, and baptism themselves.

Oh yeah, the Oxford English Dictionary doesn't list immerse as an English word until 1605 at the earliest and that the first recorded usage of immerse to mean "submerge in" was two years after the KJB was translated in 1613.

I will add more thought on this in the next few days if the Lord allows.

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